This week's Tune for Tuesday, "fucked up" by Macklemore, is likely to come across as different from the sorts of songs I usually share. But in truth, it really shouldn't be too surprising. I was inspired to do Tune for Tuesdays in the first place because of a recurring assignment in my high school Sociology class, where we would share songs with lyrics and discuss the themes and contexts of said songs (as well as their music videos if they had one). I may regularly just share songs that don't even have lyrics here, but when not even two weeks earlier I stumbled upon this new masterpiece by a talented artist I've had a lot of respect for over a decade now, there was no doubt in my mind I had to use it for Tune for Tuesdays. It may be quite disturbing for a lot of people to listen to this piece and watch the accompanying music video, but quite frankly, this does a marvelous job of putting to words the sheer wrath I've been carrying for far too long.